- Category: New Muslim Support
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How to Obtain a Shahada Certificate
Do I Need a Shahada Certificate?
Many new Muslims are told that it is obligatory for them to get a Shahada Certificate at the time of their conversion. This is false. It is not even required to have one. You are Muslim, with our without it. Allah does not ask for it at the gates of heaven. However, it is recommended to obtain one at some point in time (does not have to be at the time of conversion though).
It is recommended to get one for a few reasons.
Hajj – Only Muslims are allowed to enter Mecca. They require visitors to the city to provide documentation that identifies their faith when entering.
Marriage – Muslim men are permitted to marry only Muslim, Christian, or Jewish women. Women are only permitted to marry another Muslim, so if you are a male, you will need to provide proof that you converted before you will be allowed to marry a Muslim woman. It is strictly forbidden for both men and women to marry Hindus, Buddhists, Atheists, Jains, Agnostics, Pagans, and others.
Death – If you die, you need to be buried according to the Islamic burial process, and have the funeral rights given to you, such as the proper preparation of your body for burial, the janazah prayer offered by the Muslim community over your body, then to be buried according to Islamic guidelines that are not fulfilled by non-Muslims. It is important for a few people in your family, local Muslim community, friends, and the local imam to have a copy of your certificate in case such a need arises. Non-Muslim family members may not know where to go or what to do, and may just bury you as a non-Muslim would be buried, or worse, cremated which is forbidden.
Where can I get a Shahada certificate?
Typically, in non-Muslim countries, the local mosque or Islamic center can issue one to you. You will need identification and two Muslim witnesses (which they can usually provide for you). If you said your shahada already in the past, you can inform them of when you said it, and they may or may not issue it for the date you originally said it. Some may require it to have that current day’s date on it, so don’t make an issue of it. The date is not important, just having it documented is the main priority.
If there is not a mosque or Islamic center near you, you can type up a document that states you converted to Islam, and provide your typed name, date of birth, address, and whatever other information you wish to provide on it, as well as the statement that you converted to Islam by your own will/choice, and would like to have Islamic services provided for you in the case of death/burial. DO NOT SIGN IT. Take it to a notary public that registers documents for your local government for documents such as wills, and deed transfers, bill of sales etc. They will ask for your ID and to verify the information in the document, and they will witness you sign it, and they too will sign it, and will stamp it with their notary seal to make it official.
For expatriates living or working in Muslim countries…
You should contact your embassy and ask them for the legal procedure for documenting a change of religion. The processes vary from one country to the next.
We have instructions for how to do this for a few selected countries that we know the process of below:
In India
For official documentation, you should contact any Notarized Lawyer in your city (preferably Muslim). You will have to tell him that you converted of your own free will without anyone’s pressure or compulsion. He will make an Affidavit for you with your details and stamp it. The charges are about Rs. 200/- per copy and it is suggested to take at least 2 or 3 original copies. He will ask for the proof of your date of birth and address. For this you should take your Birth Certificate and Rashan Card/ID card/Passport. Also take a few passport size photographs with you. He should issue you the Affidavit the same day.
In UAE (Dubai)
Through Kalemah Center:
Kalemah Center is an organization in Dubai that helps people to convert to Islam, and can issue you a certificate as well. They provide many other services for new Muslims and we highly recommend you visit them. There information is listed below:
Kalemah Center
Villa 10, 9A Street,
Muhaisnah 3, Dubai
+971 4 2644115 (9am-6pm Monday - Saturday)
Read about their other services they offer
Obtain a shahada certificate through them
You can also get it through the Dubai Courts:
On their court website , you will find the instructions posted there
But if you click the title on that page, it gives the option to submit the application electronically which opens this page.
For further information please contact 800 ADJD (800 2353)
In UAE (Abu Dhabi) Through the Abu Dhabi Judicial Department:
Obtaining an Embracing Islam certificate through Abu Dhabi Judicial Department.
Steps for Announcement of Embracing Islam include:
1. Visiting the Embracing Islam section at the Judicial Department, and submit the required documents (see right of the page).
2. Declaring conversion to Islam by uttering the faith testimony (Shahadatain).
3. Signing the certificate by the in-charge of the Embracing Islam section.
4. Attestation and signing of the certificate by the judge.
5. Stamping of the certificate by the in-charge of the Embracing Islam Section.
6. Receiving the Embracing Islam certificate.
You can declare your conversion to Islam by uttering the faith testimony (Shahadatain) at the Zayed House for Islamic Culture and receive a declaration of Islam letter. This will facilitate the process above of issuance of the Embracing Islam certificate at the Judicial Department.
Other Conditions
If you are already a Muslim and if you want to issue the official document, you may obtain the Islam Embracing Certificate from the Abu Dhabi Judicial Department .
For further information please contact 800 ADJD (800 2353)