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Welcome to Dawah Materials
Asalam alaikum wa rahmatullahi wa barakatu!
We've just recently started building this website near the end of 2016, so we are a current work in progress, and always will be. Check with us regularly to see what we have added.
Inshallah, we hope to provide you resources and materials from all over the web, hand selected, that best suits the needs you have, about the most frequently discussed comparative religion topics when discussing Islam with others, as well as our own research and writings. We aspire to provide new original content that is not on the web already, to maximize your efforts to aid you in dawah.
We will, continuously, be listing the most effective materials we find, with the most relevant contents from those materials, to save you time and energy so that you can give more effective dawah to others quickly.
Navigating Our Site
We’ve created a section on the site for each major world religion. Articles will be sorted by topic in each religion's section.
For example: If a person asks you what Islam says about pork… search under the menu for “Islam” for the sub-topic of “Food and Drink”, and the topic for “Pork”. Then, you can check under another religion such as “Christianity” for the sub-topic of “Food and Drink”, and the topic for “Pork”, to see what their religion says about the same topic, because it may aid you, in explaining either a similarity or contrast of teachings between the two religions.
Some religion sections are empty as we are currently still adding articles. So check with us often or subscribe to get updates of new articles as they are published.
Tips for finding materials related to a scripture verse:
Use our website’s search box, and insert the scripture reference to see what materials we have that discuss that reference. Example: A Christian may give you “John 3:16” to claim that Jesus pbuh is the son of God. You can insert “John 3:16” into the search box, to find the rebuttal and counter-discussion, and other materials we have for it.